The Crow River Area Breastfeeding Coalition was established in 2006 as a way to bring together members of the community to improve breastfeeding support.
Collaborate with local health departments, WIC, healthcare, businesses, and community members to protect, support, and promote breastfeeding.
Provide a clear and consistent message through the community about breastfeeding resources and support.
Breastfeeding Resources
The Coalition along with Meeker-McLeod-Sibley Healthy Communities are working together to provide trainings, resources and support to communities, workplaces and child care regarding Breastfeeding.
Resources for Families
Resources for Child Care
Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Resources
Community Involvement
Portable Lactation Stations
Have an event coming up? Help cater to families with the Crow River Areas Breastfeeding Tent Kit! These spaces are available to use to create a private space for mothers to breastfeed or express milk.
Annual Event
Crow River Area Breastfeeding Coalition participates in World Breastfeeding Week. Celebrate with us at our annual event the first Saturday in August. See our Facebook page for event details!
If you are interested in joining our efforts, please consider attending a meeting by contacting:
Jenny Crowe
P: 320-693-5370
Email Jenny
2024 Meeting Minutes
Archived Meeting Minutes
Past Accomplishments
- Participated in and won Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition’s 90-Day Challenge. The goal of the challenge was to gather resources, identify breastfeeding champions around the state, and support lactation in the workplace.
- Annual World Breastfeeding Week celebration had 53 attendees in person with more participating virtually leading up to the event.
- “Lunch and Learn” events were hosted at two of our local hospitals to interact with staff members and share resources.
- Partnered with SHIP and Gibbon Fairfax Winthrop (GFW) Public Schools to create portable lactation spaces for staff to use in the classrooms.
- Shared past World Breastfeeding Week successes at MBC Spring Teleconference
- Virtual and drive-thru “Milk Meeting” during World Breastfeeding Week brought 26 people, 6 latches, and 3 virtual latches
- Online resources connected through Coeffective Grant
- Local organizations continue to support breastfeeding by offering either temporary or permanent lactation spaces
- Increased engagement on social media through “Have Your Heard?” and “Did You Know?” campaign
- Applied for and received MBC SEED money grant $1,500 to establish outpatient lactation clinics
- Adapted to virtual meetings and members and organizations continued to provide services locally
- One McLeod Daycare was recognized as Breastfeeding Friendly by MDH
- Partnered with Deck the Halls DIY for an at home DIY fundraiser
- Coalition member presented to “Center for Inclusive Childcare” about Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care
- Virtual Big Latch On event reached 11.8k people, 121 responses to actual event, 24 “latches”
- Meeker and Sibley Counties achieve Breastfeeding Friendly Health Department status from MDH
- Created toolkit for Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare initiative
- Hosted “Building Bridges to Breastfeeding” professional training
- Portable lactation spaces present at seven community events
- Big Latch On participation increases to 109 attendees
- Translate breastfeeding resource list to Spanish Community breastfeeding support survey completed
- Meeker County establishes dedicated Lactation Room
- Mini-grant received from Healthy Communities used to purchase three portable lactation spaces for events.
- Establish “The Big Latch On” event in Hutchinson
- Reformat resource guide to brochure form
- Outreach to businesses to promote Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces
- Fundraising efforts to businesses and via Schwan’s fundraiser
- Moms Like You support group established through WIC
- McLeod County Public Health obtained Breastfeeding Friendly Health Department at the bronze level
- Increased contact reported with breastfeeding moms through local CLC’c, IBCLC’s, and WIC
- Grant obtained for WIC peer breastfeeding support
- Community invites Distribute Best Milk to Pioneerland and Traverse des Sioux library systems
- Breastfeeding support survey to postpartum moms
- Update resource list to include breastfeeding classes
- RV Space at Meeker and McLeod fairs
- Distributed laminated prenatal education resource to clinics.
- Host 3 trainings of Supporting Breastfeeding in the Childcare Setting in Meeker, McLeod, and Sibley Counties.
- McLeod County hosts the 6th Annual Minnesota Breastfeeding Coalition
- Submitted $2500 grant for provider breastfeeding support through Office of Women’s Health
- Breastfeeding promotion ad in HEALTH
- Meeker County hosted Bridges to Bridges breastfeeding training
- RV Space at Meeker and McLeod fairs
- Breastfeeding friendly worksites break out session at SHIP Wellness Event in Hutchinson
- Member trained in Supporting Breastfeeding in the Childcare Setting
- Breastfeeding/Family Space at the McLeod County Fair-used money from grant received in 2011
- Crow River Area Breastfeeding Coalition Facebook page
- Article in McLeod County employee newsletter and HAHC newsletter during World Breastfeeding Month
- Logo created
- Updated breastfeeding resource as bookmark to include internet sites
- Breastfeeding promotion at Pregnant Pause event, community baby shower
- McLeod County received $1000 for lactation room
- Business Case for Breastfeeding training, Train the trainer
- Work place survey-McLeod County
- County Wide Breastfeeding Accommodations listing-McLeod County as employer
- Coalition expansion to include Meeker and Sibley Counties
- 3M workplace award
- Goody bags for women in OB August for WBW
- McLeod County provider/staff breastfeeding survey (needs assessment) conducted
- Breastfeeding conference held in Hutchinson
- Hutch Leader article, radio interview on KDUZ during WBW
- Developed county wide breast pump resource list
- Improved direct referral process hospital d/c to f/u with PH, automatic
- Implemented Baby and Me support group at local hospitals
- Goody bags distributed for women in OB in August for World Breastfeeding Week
- Established coalition, identified priorities and goals related to coalition efforts.