What is Measles?
Measles is a HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS disease that affects children. Measles can be PREVENTED with two doses of the MMR vaccine.
MMR Vaccine:
- Two doses are needed
- First dose given between 12 – 15 months
- Second dose given between 4 – 6 years
- The vaccine is given in the muscle of the upper arm or upper leg
Plans to travel?
Get your child vaccinated! Measles is easily spread when traveling to areas where children are not fully vaccinated. You
should plan to get vaccinated at least two weeks before your trip
Symptoms & Long-Term Effects of Measles
- Ear infection
- Hearing loss
- Bleeding problems
- Brain damage
- Rash
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Runny nose
- Red eyes
Is the MMR vaccine dangerous?
According to the Centers for Disease Prevention & Control, the MMR vaccine is safe and effective at preventing Measles, Mumps,
and Rubella when FULLY vaccinated. There is no link between autism & the MMR vaccine
Where can I get my child vaccinated?
- McLeod County Public Health 320-864-3185
- Meeker County Public Health 320-693-5370
- Sibley County Public Health 507-237-4000